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Air Brasil Cargo Pets is one of the few companies that has the “know how” on how to best deal with these species.

In these cases, the first necessary data is:

  • Does the bird have a sale commercial purchase invoice?

  • Identification (tag, microchip)?

  • Was it acquired from a legalized breeder with an IBAMA

  • Born in captivity?

Sanitary procedures and shipping documentation vary according
to the desired destination country.

We need to examine the paperwork before we can quote to make
sure we are all on the same. Requirements of the destination country must be checked on a “case by case” basis. With the data and with your approval on our quote, we will proceed with the process to reunite you and the bird asap.

Sometimes the bird may be listed in the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). is an agreement with legal binding between 182 Parties (181 countries and the EU) that defines international rules for trade of wildlife. In these cases, the process usually takes a long time.

All physical inspections carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Vigiagro, Ibama, issuing authorizations, import and export licenses are carried out or accompanied by Air Brasil Cargo Pets.

We do not ship birds and wild animals for commercial purposes.